Organization services
I provide the following in a kind, non-judgmental manner:
- Personalized solutions to meet your specific needs
- Assistance with donations and trash removal
- Suggestions about containers, storage solutions, etc
- Labelling containers/bins etc
- Coaching including maintenance strategies
Pricing is as follows:
Free consultation (up to one hour, $125 each additional hour)
$125 per hour
minimum three hours if no package is purchased. Can be charged as needed after the package is completed.
Discount packages
All packages are paid & scheduled upfront and expire six months after the date of purchase.
Quotes for pricing expire within 48 hours.
Organization hours include planning, purchasing, hands-on time and will be recorded.
Once we have organized your home, we can also provide cleaning services on a weekly, every-other-week, or monthly basis.
If you would like pricing for deep cleaning of bathrooms or specific areas or for cleaning service right away, please let me know. We are able to assess and contract the cleaning services separately, BUT we DO offer a discount for signing two agreements at one time!